As it turns out, there are a lot of
Fire Emblem tabletops out there.
On all of the ones I could find, however, combat took forever due to
all of the manual calculations for basic things such as hit and crit,
which just doesn't work well if you're running a full-length campaign and
don't want a single map to take 4 hours.
So I built Emblem20.
Different packages for each era of Fire Emblem.
Each package comes with skills, items, weapons, and more premade so you can pick whichever one suits your tastes.
Everything from classes to battle mechanics is meticulously crafted to emulate the respective package's source game as closely as it possible.
It's just like playing the actual game!
And of course, all packages with skills include Emblem20's signature dynamic skills system,
allowing for the creation of custom skills or homebrewing preexisting ones.

Always Open Source
Emblem20 is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.0, so you can feel free to edit the code to your heart's content.
(Almost) Fully Automated
Aside from some GM setup and a couple minor things, Emblem20 requires almost no manual calculations on the part of the players whatsoever, expediting the process of combat.
Custom Skills System
For packages that allow skills, you're not limited only to what's on the wiki- you can create entirely customized skills to suit your purposes and your characters.